Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wish List

If you are thinking about what to buy me for my birthday in March… please see pictures below.  Erika Brunson would be at the top of my list; just FYI.

01-05 01-15 01-18 245_04-05-C-302 louis-xvi-style-medallion-chair-115824

Do you see the common theme in these photos??  If you have some chairs like those that need to find a new home = we are that new home.  Not a problem.

On book 10 =)  I am really making progress, don’t you think?  I wish someone would read these books with me so I can have someone to laugh about.  As much as Jeremy loves to hear about Lula; he just doesn’t seem to grasp just how funny she is. 


Allison said...

mmmm ... i love me some Erika Brunson. Makes my heart melt a little. I'll keep my eyes peeled for something similar (and affordable!).
If you let me borrow Book One i'll read it!:)

Jen @ Just for Rachel said...

Umm, I have totally been on the lookout for chairs like this at every thrift store, with no luck. My favorite is the first one, that back is to die for! Oh I want it!